Welcome to MapleRoyals! We are a Nostalgic MapleStory Private Server! 3.2x EXP / 4x Meso / 2x Drop


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Steel Knuckler
Req Level: 10 Req Stats: -
Weapon Attack: 1816 - 20 (Normal)
16 - 25 (Godly)
Attack Speed: 5Job: Pirate
Effects: - Upgrade Slots: 7 NPC Value: 1,500
Drops from: Slime, Dark Stump.
Available from:
  • This item can be bought from: Morgan.

Scallywag Knuckler
Req Level: 10 Req Stats: DEX 20
Weapon Attack: 1614 - 18 (Normal)
14 - 23 (Godly)
Attack Speed: 5Job: Pirate
Effects: - Upgrade Slots: 7 NPC Value: 0
Drops from: -
Available from: -

Leather Arms
Req Level: 15 Req Stats: STR 20, DEX 15
Weapon Attack: 2219 - 25 (Normal)
19 - 30 (Godly)
Attack Speed: 6Job: Pirate
Effects: - Upgrade Slots: 7 NPC Value: 3,000
Drops from: Octopus, Green Mushroom.
Available from:
  • This item can be bought from: Morgan.

Double Tail Knuckler
Req Level: 20 Req Stats: STR 30, DEX 20
Weapon Attack: 2623 - 29 (Normal)
23 - 34 (Godly)
Attack Speed: 5Job: Pirate
Effects: - Upgrade Slots: 7 NPC Value: 5,000
Drops from: Jr. Sentinel, Jr. Necki.
Available from:
  • This item can be bought from: Morgan.

Norman Grip
Req Level: 25 Req Stats: STR 45, DEX 25
Weapon Attack: 3027 - 33 (Normal)
27 - 38 (Godly)
Attack Speed: 6Job: Pirate
Effects: - Upgrade Slots: 7 NPC Value: 10,000
Drops from: Bellamoa, Meercat, Evil Eye.
Available from:
  • This item can be bought from: Morgan.

Prime Hands
Req Level: 30 Req Stats: STR 60, DEX 30
Weapon Attack: 3430 - 38 (Normal)
30 - 43 (Godly)
Attack Speed: 5Job: Pirate
Effects: - Upgrade Slots: 7 NPC Value: 26,000
Drops from: Leatty, Mask Fish, Chirppy.
Available from:

Silver Maiden
Req Level: 35 Req Stats: STR 75, DEX 35
Weapon Attack: 3834 - 42 (Normal)
34 - 47 (Godly)
Attack Speed: 6Job: Pirate
Effects: - Upgrade Slots: 7 NPC Value: 40,000
Drops from: Panda Teddy, Curse Eye, Propelly, Tweeter.
Available from:

Maple Knuckle
Req Level: 35 Req Stats: -
Weapon Attack: 3834 - 42 (Normal)
34 - 47 (Godly)
Attack Speed: 5Job: Pirate
Effects: Accuracy +109 - 11 (Normal)
9 - 16 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 7 NPC Value: 40,000
Drops from: Zombie Mushroom, Drumming Bunny, Barnard Gray, Ginseng Jar, Hector.
Available from: -

Req Level: 40 Req Stats: STR 90, DEX 40
Weapon Attack: 4237 - 47 (Normal)
37 - 52 (Godly)
Attack Speed: 6Job: Pirate
Effects: - Upgrade Slots: 7 NPC Value: 60,000
Drops from: Block Golem, Lorang, Chipmunk, Moon Bunny.
Available from:

Maple Storm Finger
Req Level: 43 Req Stats: -
Weapon Attack: 4641 - 51 (Normal)
41 - 56 (Godly)
Attack Speed: 5Job: Pirate
Effects: STR +32 - 4 (Normal)
2 - 9 (Godly)
, Accuracy +2018 - 22 (Normal)
18 - 27 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 7 NPC Value: 75,000
Drops from: Chipmunk, Chief Gray, Kru, Dark Rash, Dual Ghost Pirate.
Available from: -

Fury Claw
Req Level: 50 Req Stats: STR 120, DEX 50
Weapon Attack: 5045 - 55 (Normal)
45 - 60 (Godly)
Attack Speed: 5Job: Pirate
Effects: - Upgrade Slots: 7 NPC Value: 130,000
Drops from: Plateon, Master Chronos, Clang, Seruf, Reinforced Mithril Mutae , Hector, Faust.
Available from: -

Req Level: 60 Req Stats: STR 150, DEX 60
Weapon Attack: 5853 - 63 (Normal)
53 - 68 (Godly)
Attack Speed: 5Job: Pirate
Effects: - Upgrade Slots: 7 NPC Value: 240,000
Drops from: Bellflower Root, Coolie Zombie, Timer, Lazy Buffy, Red Drake.
Available from:

Maple Golden Claw
Req Level: 64 Req Stats: -
Weapon Attack: 6055 - 65 (Normal)
55 - 70 (Godly)
Attack Speed: 5Job: Pirate
Effects: STR +54 - 6 (Normal)
4 - 11 (Godly)
, HP +10090 - 110 (Normal)
90 - 115 (Godly)
, Accuracy +3027 - 33 (Normal)
27 - 38 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 7 NPC Value: 280,000
Drops from: Firebomb, Grupin, Hector, Jr. Lucida , Dark Drake.
Available from: -

Beia Crash
Req Level: 70 Req Stats: STR 180, DEX 70
Weapon Attack: 6257 - 67 (Normal)
57 - 72 (Godly)
Attack Speed: 5Job: Pirate
Effects: - Upgrade Slots: 7 NPC Value: 300,000
Drops from: Dyle, Taurospear, Blue King Goblin, Officer Skeleton, Klock, Tae Roon, Jr. Balrog.
Available from: -

Maple Pyrope Knuckle
Req Level: 77 Req Stats: -
Weapon Attack: 6560 - 70 (Normal)
60 - 75 (Godly)
Attack Speed: 5Job: Pirate
Effects: STR +87 - 9 (Normal)
7 - 14 (Godly)
, HP +150140 - 160 (Normal)
140 - 165 (Godly)
, Accuracy +4036 - 44 (Normal)
36 - 49 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 7 NPC Value: 37,000
Drops from: -
Available from: -

Steel Renault
Req Level: 80 Req Stats: STR 210, DEX 80
Weapon Attack: 6661 - 71 (Normal)
61 - 76 (Godly)
Attack Speed: 5Job: Pirate
Effects: - Upgrade Slots: 7 NPC Value: 350,000
Drops from: Lycanthrope, Homunculus , King Sage Cat, Dual Birk, Birk.
Available from: -

White Fangz
Req Level: 90 Req Stats: STR 240, DEX 90
Weapon Attack: 7065 - 75 (Normal)
65 - 80 (Godly)
Attack Speed: 5Job: Pirate
Effects: - Upgrade Slots: 7 NPC Value: 390,000
Drops from: Kimera, Snowman, Squid, Skelegon, Guardian of Memories, Papulatus.
Available from: -

King Cent
Req Level: 100 Req Stats: STR 270, DEX 100
Weapon Attack: 7469 - 79 (Normal)
69 - 84 (Godly)
Attack Speed: 5Job: Pirate
Effects: - Upgrade Slots: 7 NPC Value: 440,000
Drops from: Griffey, Manon, Leviathan, Zakum3, Dark Wyvern, Skelosaurus, Knight of Memories, Lilinof, Horntail.
Available from: -

Dragon Slash Claw
Req Level: 110 Req Stats: STR 300, DEX 110
Weapon Attack: 7873 - 83 (Normal)
73 - 88 (Godly)
Attack Speed: 5Job: Pirate
Effects: - Upgrade Slots: 7 NPC Value: 510,000
Drops from: Horntail.
Available from: -

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