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Blue Jangoon Shoes
Req Level: 40 Req Stats: STR 130
Weapon Def: 2421 - 27 (Normal)
21 - 32 (Godly)
Magic Def: 0Job: Warrior
Effects: STR +21 - 3 (Normal)
1 - 8 (Godly)
, MP +2018 - 22 (Normal)
18 - 27 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 5 NPC Value: 35,000
Drops from: Retz, Robo, Hector, White Fang, The Book Ghost, Dark Yeti and Pepe.
Available from: -

Brown Leather Krag
Req Level: 40 Req Stats: STR 40, DEX 40
Weapon Def: 2219 - 25 (Normal)
19 - 30 (Godly)
Magic Def: 0Job: Pirate
Effects: STR +10 - 2 (Normal)
0 - 7 (Godly)
, DEX +10 - 2 (Normal)
0 - 7 (Godly)
, Avoid +10 - 2 (Normal)
0 - 7 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 5 NPC Value: 35,000
Drops from: Ultra Gray, Red Porky, Lupin, Stumpy, Poopa.
Available from:

Brown Steel-Tip Boots
Req Level: 50 Req Stats: DEX 160
Weapon Def: 2825 - 31 (Normal)
25 - 36 (Godly)
Magic Def: 0Job: Bowman
Effects: STR +32 - 4 (Normal)
2 - 9 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 5 NPC Value: 50,000
Drops from: Chief Gray, Skeleton Soldier, Buffy, Jr. Seal.
Available from:

Green Steel-Tip Boots
Req Level: 50 Req Stats: DEX 160
Weapon Def: 2825 - 31 (Normal)
25 - 36 (Godly)
Magic Def: 0Job: Bowman
Effects: STR +21 - 3 (Normal)
1 - 8 (Godly)
, DEX +10 - 2 (Normal)
0 - 7 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 5 NPC Value: 50,000
Drops from: Robo, Lioner, Master Soul Teddy.
Available from: -

Blue Steel-Tip Boots
Req Level: 50 Req Stats: DEX 160
Weapon Def: 2825 - 31 (Normal)
25 - 36 (Godly)
Magic Def: 0Job: Bowman
Effects: STR +10 - 2 (Normal)
0 - 7 (Godly)
, DEX +21 - 3 (Normal)
1 - 8 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 5 NPC Value: 50,000
Drops from: Mateon, Tortie, Yeti and Pepe.
Available from: -

Purple Steel-Tip Boots
Req Level: 50 Req Stats: DEX 160
Weapon Def: 2825 - 31 (Normal)
25 - 36 (Godly)
Magic Def: 0Job: Bowman
Effects: DEX +32 - 4 (Normal)
2 - 9 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 5 NPC Value: 50,000
Drops from: Copper Drake, Lazy Buffy, Chief Gray.
Available from:

Blue Goni Shoes
Req Level: 50 Req Stats: DEX 90, LUK 140
Weapon Def: 2825 - 31 (Normal)
25 - 36 (Godly)
Magic Def: 0Job: Thief
Effects: STR +32 - 4 (Normal)
2 - 9 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 5 NPC Value: 50,000
Drops from: Jr. Seal, Luster Pixie, Skeleton Soldier, Yeti and Pepe.
Available from: -

Green Goni Shoes
Req Level: 50 Req Stats: DEX 90, LUK 140
Weapon Def: 2825 - 31 (Normal)
25 - 36 (Godly)
Magic Def: 0Job: Thief
Effects: DEX +32 - 4 (Normal)
2 - 9 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 5 NPC Value: 50,000
Drops from: Planey, Flyeye, Rombot, Triple Rumo.
Available from:

Red Goni Shoes
Req Level: 50 Req Stats: DEX 90, LUK 140
Weapon Def: 2825 - 31 (Normal)
25 - 36 (Godly)
Magic Def: 0Job: Thief
Effects: LUK +32 - 4 (Normal)
2 - 9 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 5 NPC Value: 50,000
Drops from: Nependeath, MT-09, Chief Gray, Minor Zombie, Red Slime.
Available from:

Purple Goni Shoes
Req Level: 50 Req Stats: DEX 90, LUK 140
Weapon Def: 2825 - 31 (Normal)
25 - 36 (Godly)
Magic Def: 0Job: Thief
Effects: DEX +10 - 2 (Normal)
0 - 7 (Godly)
, LUK +21 - 3 (Normal)
1 - 8 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 5 NPC Value: 50,000
Drops from: Cellion, Lioner, Plateon, Dark Yeti and Pepe.
Available from: -

Emerald Hildon Boots
Req Level: 50 Req Stats: STR 160
Weapon Def: 3027 - 33 (Normal)
27 - 38 (Godly)
Magic Def: 0Job: Warrior
Effects: DEX +32 - 4 (Normal)
2 - 9 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 5 NPC Value: 55,000
Drops from: Cold Eye, Skeleton Soldier, Dark Nependeath, Helly.
Available from: -

Mithril Hildon Boots
Req Level: 50 Req Stats: STR 160
Weapon Def: 3027 - 33 (Normal)
27 - 38 (Godly)
Magic Def: 0Job: Warrior
Effects: STR +10 - 2 (Normal)
0 - 7 (Godly)
, DEX +21 - 3 (Normal)
1 - 8 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 5 NPC Value: 55,000
Drops from: Copper Drake, Chief Gray, Minor Zombie.
Available from:

Orihalcon Hildon Boots
Req Level: 50 Req Stats: STR 160
Weapon Def: 3027 - 33 (Normal)
27 - 38 (Godly)
Magic Def: 0Job: Warrior
Effects: STR +21 - 3 (Normal)
1 - 8 (Godly)
, DEX +10 - 2 (Normal)
0 - 7 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 5 NPC Value: 55,000
Drops from: Flyeye, Luster Pixie, White Fang, Grizzly, Samiho.
Available from: -

Gold Hildon Boots
Req Level: 50 Req Stats: STR 160
Weapon Def: 3027 - 33 (Normal)
27 - 38 (Godly)
Magic Def: 0Job: Warrior
Effects: STR +32 - 4 (Normal)
2 - 9 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 5 NPC Value: 55,000
Drops from: King Block Golem, Grupin, Transformed Yeti.
Available from:

Pink Goldwind Shoes
Req Level: 50 Req Stats: INT 158, LUK 53
Weapon Def: 1917 - 21 (Normal)
17 - 26 (Godly)
Magic Def: 98 - 10 (Normal)
8 - 15 (Godly)
Job: Magician
Effects: LUK +32 - 4 (Normal)
2 - 9 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 5 NPC Value: 55,000
Drops from: Cold Eye, Poison Poopa, Rombot, Skeleton Soldier.
Available from: -

Blue Goldwind Shoes
Req Level: 50 Req Stats: INT 158, LUK 53
Weapon Def: 1917 - 21 (Normal)
17 - 26 (Godly)
Magic Def: 98 - 10 (Normal)
8 - 15 (Godly)
Job: Magician
Effects: INT +10 - 2 (Normal)
0 - 7 (Godly)
, LUK +21 - 3 (Normal)
1 - 8 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 5 NPC Value: 55,000
Drops from: Master Chronos, Wraith, Minor Zombie.
Available from:

Purple Goldwind Shoes
Req Level: 50 Req Stats: INT 158, LUK 53
Weapon Def: 1917 - 21 (Normal)
17 - 26 (Godly)
Magic Def: 98 - 10 (Normal)
8 - 15 (Godly)
Job: Magician
Effects: INT +21 - 3 (Normal)
1 - 8 (Godly)
, LUK +10 - 2 (Normal)
0 - 7 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 5 NPC Value: 55,000
Drops from: Tortie, MT-09, Skeleton Soldier, Dark Yeti.
Available from: -

Green Goldenwind Shoes
Req Level: 50 Req Stats: INT 158, LUK 53
Weapon Def: 1917 - 21 (Normal)
17 - 26 (Godly)
Magic Def: 98 - 10 (Normal)
8 - 15 (Godly)
Job: Magician
Effects: INT +32 - 4 (Normal)
2 - 9 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 5 NPC Value: 55,000
Drops from: Malady, Stone Golem, Ultra Gray.
Available from:

Yellow Snowshoes
Req Level: 50 Req Stats: -
Weapon Def: 3027 - 33 (Normal)
27 - 38 (Godly)
Magic Def: 109 - 11 (Normal)
9 - 16 (Godly)
Job: Common
Effects: DEX +32 - 4 (Normal)
2 - 9 (Godly)
, INT +32 - 4 (Normal)
2 - 9 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 7 NPC Value: 1
Description: Put this on, and you won't be slipping around regardless of snow or ice.
Drops from: Female Boss, P Slime.
Available from: -

Brown Double Boots
Req Level: 50 Req Stats: STR 50, DEX 50
Weapon Def: 2825 - 31 (Normal)
25 - 36 (Godly)
Magic Def: 0Job: Pirate
Effects: STR +21 - 3 (Normal)
1 - 8 (Godly)
, DEX +10 - 2 (Normal)
0 - 7 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 5 NPC Value: 50,000
Drops from: Wraith, Tortie, Black Porky, Straw Target Dummy, Stone Golem.
Available from:

Req Level: 50 Req Stats: -
Weapon Def: 2018 - 22 (Normal)
18 - 27 (Godly)
Magic Def: 54 - 6 (Normal)
4 - 11 (Godly)
Job: Common
Effects: - Upgrade Slots: 5 NPC Value: 1
Drops from: P Slime.
Available from: -

Pink Goldrunners
Req Level: 60 Req Stats: INT 188, LUK 63
Weapon Def: 2320 - 26 (Normal)
20 - 31 (Godly)
Magic Def: 119 - 13 (Normal)
9 - 18 (Godly)
Job: Magician
Effects: INT +10 - 2 (Normal)
0 - 7 (Godly)
, LUK +32 - 4 (Normal)
2 - 9 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 5 NPC Value: 60,000
Drops from: Red Drake, Transformed Dark Yeti, Yeti and Pepe, King Clang.
Available from:

Green Goldrunners
Req Level: 60 Req Stats: INT 188, LUK 63
Weapon Def: 2320 - 26 (Normal)
20 - 31 (Godly)
Magic Def: 119 - 13 (Normal)
9 - 18 (Godly)
Job: Magician
Effects: INT +21 - 3 (Normal)
1 - 8 (Godly)
, LUK +21 - 3 (Normal)
1 - 8 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 5 NPC Value: 60,000
Drops from: Malady, Yeti and Pepe.
Available from:

Orange Goldrunners
Req Level: 60 Req Stats: INT 188, LUK 63
Weapon Def: 2320 - 26 (Normal)
20 - 31 (Godly)
Magic Def: 119 - 13 (Normal)
9 - 18 (Godly)
Job: Magician
Effects: INT +32 - 4 (Normal)
2 - 9 (Godly)
, LUK +10 - 2 (Normal)
0 - 7 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 5 NPC Value: 60,000
Drops from: Pepe, Dark Jr. Yeti.
Available from:

Blue Goldrunners
Req Level: 60 Req Stats: INT 188, LUK 63
Weapon Def: 2320 - 26 (Normal)
20 - 31 (Godly)
Magic Def: 119 - 13 (Normal)
9 - 18 (Godly)
Job: Magician
Effects: INT +32 - 4 (Normal)
2 - 9 (Godly)
, LUK +10 - 2 (Normal)
0 - 7 (Godly)
Upgrade Slots: 5 NPC Value: 60,000
Drops from: Dark Stone Golem, Buffoon.
Available from:

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